Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Bear Jones

360 Degrees

  • 360 Degrees


    Think of a compass dial. It spins on an axis and is graduated in 360 degrees of direction. That means wherever you are, there are 360 directions to turn.


    Now let's turn that around. Hang an apple from the ceiling. If you approach it from the equator, there are 360 directions you can came from and reach the apple. That's if you approach it levelly from the equator. If you approach it from above or below the equator you have added another 360 degrees of direction from which to approach the apple.  That's 129,600 directions.


    No matter which one of those directions you come from, you reach the apple. This means that one path is as good as another and all paths are equally valid. Hang on to this concept for now.


    There is a school of thought which enrages some to the point of violence, but provides great solace to others. This school of thought says that no matter what name you put on the deity you worship, no matter which deity you pray to, the same deity hears the prayers.

    This brings us back to that apple suspended in mid-air.  Let’s say that apple represents God – in a purely metaphorical way. Let's not be offensive to anyone. If there is more than one direction from which to approach God, and if all of them get you there, aren’t they all equally valid? Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Paganism, Spiritism, Sikhism, Jainism, Baha’i, Zoroastrianism, Wicca, Cao Dai, Unitarian-Universalism, and the rest of the -isms?


    How can anyone say “My path is more valid than yours?” or “Mine is the only true path – all others are lies!”


    Vanity and Fear - that's how.