Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Bear Jones

Pagan Blessing ritual

  • On Saturday, I performed a blessing on a brand new clinic that will open Monday 7/30. I'll also be one of the first patients that day. 


    Here is how I did the ritual. Feel free to borrow and adapt as desired.


    Blessing a New Clinic ritual


    Don ritual robe. Set up altar with Pentacle,

    Cauldron, Bell, Athame, Incense,

    Feather, Salt, and Water.



    Wind and Fire, Water and Earth -

    Elements of astral birth!

    Bless all who enter this place,

    And let them find a special grace.

    Those who perform the healing arts,

    Or who seek healing of affected parts.”


    Ignite sage smudge and walk all hallways and rooms,

    “Forces and spirits around us do spin.

    If thou art good, we welcome thee in.

    Evil begins with thoughts of doubt

    Now is the time we cast evil out.

    With harm to none, by the Law of Three

    This is our prayer, So Mote It Be!”


    Mist each room with blessed water, Saying,

    “We all come from the Goddess

    And to her we shall return

    Like a drop of rain

    Flowing to the ocean.”



    “This ritual is complete.

    Blessed Be and Go in peace!”

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