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Terry Tentei Andersson

OK here comes hard truth can be seen as hater writing but is ju

  • Razetsu Les Fleurs Du Mal - well God aside but what i never been able to understand is why is God refered as a man why not a woman? a man alone can't create life if u people now not are puppets no mean to disrespect just curious how others think and believe, i want to be able understand others to easier get along and be at peace if get me right many are thinking way too wrong as i see it for example just cause people believe different doesn't make them bad or less worth or people u must keep distance from many religious people judge others after what theybelieve and how they live as if it would be wrong i mean no one can really say which religion is the only true and right one respect others beliefs and don't start judge or other things like that cause then u give into evil without understand it urselves anyway don't know if anyone here understand me right but i don't mean anything offending with what i just say and i stand for too 

     i respect ur belief about that mankind isn't meant to understand everything but i would say it's more something to point at when ignoring or just not see all the bad things around, i mean like an excuse for not take action and try make a change but still i understand and respect ur way - leave some things better not known and to turn to God for guidance and security, mankind have always been this way no hard feelings but always turned and followed the one in their eyes with most power the true leader pure and innocent the one who never give up and know the best way to live in peace and with love, something like that good teachings but unfortunatly it's having a bad influance on some people who probably missunderstand the message of love and therefore enforce their way of life onto others which makes things even more complicated could go on forever but sorry probably just make myself appear like a wicked minded creature and like i said i mean no bad at all even if it may look it to some of u but then again it's about understanding

    razetsu Les Fleurs Du Mal really don't yah people got any more importent things to do then judge someone over something that's not even certain is the way it appear so be a good boy and try to not jump to conclusions really don't mean to be mean but seriously sure u do good in paying attention but u judge a bit too easy so while at the subject when see my picture u gonna report me for looking the way i do? haha this i write only cause i dispite judgements on no grounds and evidence of any bad act or likewise so long :D  

    lol doesn't matter from who's mouth the words come "God's chosen people. Amerca dear not turn its back on Israeal or else it will face God's Wrath <- with that said honestly, i hear God's the all loving but same time he have chosen one people, i'm sorry to say but first of all America don't turn their back on $$ which Israel are paying US a whole lot so simply put no it's not God's wrath that they fear it's the big deal of money they don't want to risk loosing, ironic as it is everyone is said to be equal to God but same time u people look down on us other feel free and look down on me just don't expect me to look up to u haha those who look down on me aren't even worth the bother only reason i write this now is cause curious what reactions i'll get like i'm a Nazi or whatever, so just dare group me with them, just don't get why other just accept ur view on the people now follow Yah, alright now that i've made myself clear i must have angered the almighty God who's supposed to forgive and love everyone, it's ok Yah or God doesn't concern me but i'll never accept any specific people Self claimed to be God's Choosen  really people talk bout the muslim religion how bad they are and they're terrorists yeah that's all that are being but that Israel did first blood went in and and forced arabic people close the border to flee why, or what ur higherups had in mind and what their goal was is complicated but now do you know why i say this? yeah that's right cause they refuse to give up their homes and their peaceful life cause some others want it and since paying US to look the other way really makes things go smoothier i know more then u can imagine about the history of ur people as well as Arabians and christians, now i really start to wonder do u pay God too i mean to have the right to claim urself choosen i don't have any probs with u believing that i just can't keep quiet just cause the Arabs didn't give up without fight for their lives they are terrorists nah i don't defend the muslim religion suicidebombing civilians claiming it to be Allah's will stop using God and God's will as an excuse to invade and attack people, or is it cause they're not worth anything ? Is it what Yah telling u? It's ok u just following orders but sorry to disappoint u but these orders aint Yah's will it's the higher ups decision and then use Yah as an excuse don't take me wrong i got nothing against u people i just react  cause even if it was the will of God to just attack civilians i'd never taken such order if anything i missed to write just write me back and i'll tell u more, and again absolutely nothing against your people in particular 

    Nearly all religion was brought to peopleand imposed on people, by conquerorsAnd used as the framework to control their mindsMy main point here is that, if you are, a child of Godand God is a part of you, then in your imaginationGod's supposed to look like youAnd when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to youby another people you become the spiritual prisonersof that other people

    // Razetsu (Rakshasa)

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