President Obama has this year represented that his critics should just shut up and let things lie and expand as they are; you know, he may be right!
Yes, there are a slew of critics ranging from his own party to secular to religious objectors, but does anybody notice that they’re all running out of money, as those they claim support them (at least in petitioning or opinion polling style) also run out of cash, credit, and aid? Most importantly, does anyone notice that most people just want whatever degree of consumerism is meted to them until it’s “their time”, without thought of or to anyone else and without real expectation the New Culture will change or fail to touch them? So it goes in Illinois, Tennessee, Oregon, Idaho, name it.
It’s as if most USA folks of every origin collectively say: “Yep, it’s global totalism now, what from money to anything else is out there FOR us to do besides peck at each other, watch sports, and go to movies until it’s our turn to go? They’ve taken global rights, personal economic control, creative aspirations, property upon which to build or retain houses of worship (indicating a non-existent, dead or weakling Creator) and need for ambition or even exercise away from most of us…even foreign dictators have always needed someone to dictate TO, let’s stick with the statism, the sports/celebrity/talk radio fan as the only group dynamics left to us, and maybe they’ll take more people ahead instead of us…yeah, it’s crummy to be a kept State hamster if a pollster asks but really, do most of us even seem capable of taking time away from our sports, movies and managed consumerism except for ‘tea bag moments’ and election year blogging?”.
If that or something close to it IS the reality of the majority population, then President Barack Hussein Obama is absolutely correct that most people don’t WANT to be educated, work, create businesses, get married or care who is, otherwise be equity parts of society, or have liberties protected…in such case, don’t blame atheists, Hu Jintao, Osama bin Laden, Democrats, Republicans, Putin, Satan, God, whoever; in a democratic Republic, where the majority of people do not care what needs to be done even to them or their children to permanently simply exist (and no more), and have a pattern of being self-absorbed armchair quarterbacks letting everyone else fix everything even back in “better times”, then even if critics of the government make scholastically lucid, legally sound, and generally accurate gainsays or constructive alternative plans these are NOT things the majority public wants…and though it’s extreme to label critics generally as DHS report fodder, still, critics need to see Obama IS giving the mass population what it wants as it manifestly partakes of handouts with minimal grousing, sort of the way one feeds a cat and might get hissed anyway yet the cat submissively returns for more.
Indeed, it appears Obama critics need to face the reality that they ARE “revolutionary” in nature, where they transcend ministering to shrinking numbers at all interested in hearing about peaceful alternative life philosophies or religious living; Obama critics need to accept that most people today would rather re-arrange their aimless day to see the OSU Ducks vs. U of O Beavers “civil war” football game than help or even talk to a stranger, or than picket the State capitol for jobs 24/7/365 (in a State with massive unemployment, more coming). Now THAT’s putting the body where the soul truly is, all such gamesters’ faint mewing notwithstanding as they freely act in the nature of trotting next to their keepers hoping for more scraps…Trent Lott’s book title was too limited, as it seems “Herding Cats” is not just for the Senate Leadership anymore.
Wherefore, the spirit of Jesus through Gandhi through Dr. King is manifestly kaput in today’s USA, and thus it might be nice if PACs and Churches/Similar limit talking to their own choirs…we must stop the “concept revolution” against ideologies the manifest USA population wishes to tolerate. To keep face with the Hegelian notion that ANY system (including secular) which does not admit of unbelief is a mere convenience, I would respectfully submit that hermeneutic peaceful religions and ministers respecting the USA State as giving the majority population what it wants (including LBGT marriage, less labor, CCA and other imprisonment for distempers, military escalations, aid to Ladenist nations, abortion, and actual or perceived moral relativity) should not be included as being “false religious” or barred from assembly/expression due to their own opposite views, and that their admittedly minority actual adherents be able to object and withhold their service(s) on conscience grounds where enough secular or other parties in simpatico with the majority are easily available.
Folks, those of us who want to resist intellectual or ethically rhetorical “evil” today can do it but one way, if you’ll take a sober look at reality: if you see it, don’t do it yourselves; if you give money to a PAC or Church, expect it will sustain the choir alone at best; if you’re going to “make” an unbeliever(s) hear you, no matter how “compelling”, even Thomas Aquinas would tell you harming unbelievers is against the will of Jesus and God (“Summa Theologica”, Volume Two, Part Two, Question 10, Articles 1 through 12) unless they force themselves upon you in your physical person (actual personal attack, only force enough to stop it kosher)…and secularly, even I would detain the true armed, egocentric and dangerous.
After all, in this economy at a time of sluggish Christmas sales and rising domestic abuse, who packs in more of those attendees and viewers: Lou Dobbs, the RNC/DNC, some union, any nature of any faith’s Church/Mosque/Temple/House of Worship, or Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon for the OSU v. U of O “civil war” game? (Hint: Statewide here today, ala those 1936 Mercedes touring cars back in Germany’s Dolf Days, all you see are fender flags for either the Oregon State or University of Oregon football teams.) Fans, if you feel a bit the same the next morning, please don’t vent on others or officials; and again, even I would detain the socially lazy, egocentric and dangerous.