I have come to realize, through careful mediations and trying to live as stress free as possible. That most people only see, at most 33% of the things that go on around them. I have notice that the more you slow down your personal actions the more you notice that people are ingoring every day common events, and how their action effect things and others, Not just people the whole enviroment the encounter. For example, I take my time, all the time now. I notice the beauty of the entire world aroud myself. I have seem more animals doing everything they normal do, in spite of most things humans do to interfer with them. I have seen many people rushing to get someone at 30 mph over the set limits for safe driving, as I travel 10 mph under it, flipping me the finger in disgust, only to beat them where they were attemping to go, and the worst encounter was seeing someone so angry and in a hurry they died in an accident 20 miles ahead of me with a semi truck, and had they been relaxed and safer they would never have made it to that truck to even have the accident. I have seen people so angry at others for blocking thier path to actually kill the other person. I have even seen two people get into a fight over a gas pump the I was going to take but someone else speed into it before me and I let them be. Five minute after I had started pumping gas I heard that person getting yelled at by the person trying to go around me to get that same pump cursing at them and they both started going to blows over 3.75 a gallon of gas, when there isn't a shortage here at all. I seen people speeding through housing areas at 3 times the 25 limit with children playing in the street and yell at the parents for letting them play there. I use to be a angry, speed, person that didn't pay attention most times, and now I realize that, At any moment in those days I could have ruined my day and someone's whole family's life in the blink of an eyes or a second of distraction. I believe all religions show and teach patience, but I am not seeing any practices. Everyone in most religoins I notice no matter which one, Say that as long as your sorry and accept which ever god or gods you believe in you are forgive, But most of society feels or believes they only have to live the way they want, and not the way society and even the region says to live every day of your life. My words of wisdom are this" be kind and generious, respect others and their belief
s and respect yourself and protect yourself, be as safe as possible and for the love of your god/gods, and all thier creatations slow down your life and pay attention, and love all the life in and on this planet we all call home. I will be adding more blogs along these lines. PLEASE read them and see if you can try some of the thing in them to see if you notice a difference in your life, if you choose to.
1) first step, breathe slowly
2) relax as much as possible, when you can
3) if things seem outta hand step back and stop for a moment
4) if you are angry walk away, violence is never the answer and can make your life, not your own anymore
5) pick one thing a day to fall in love with and pay close attention too each day
for further step keep looking for updated to this blog
Thank you,
Christopher(the Raven and the Wolf)