Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network


All Good Things Come From Above

  • Everything that has ever been given comes from above and all are blessings we didnt have

    until God chose to bless us. He still blesses us everyday because we are his creation and he knows our needs and meets them. Before there was money there was blessings which had more value than money. Money was created by man to pay debts to mankind for services rendered. Gods blessings are still free and still provided at no charge. In return the father ask only for praise and thanks and to be recognized when he does bless us. Not a bad deal for

    what we put into it. Keep it simple dont make things stressful on yourself for what he does for you. God is a giving God and who else can tell you ask and you shall receive without a price

    or value on it.People say so often nothing is free anymore but with him its always free and always will be. Thats why even people who may have no money may be the richest of all with

    a storehouse of blessings that can be priceless. Be thankful for what you have and even be thankful for what you dont have because with wealth comes responsibility and accounting.