…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
(Mat 28:20)
Have you ever been in a place where you’ve prayed and prayed and prayed about something and nothing happens? Or you don’t hear from God? You try to figure out why you haven’t gotten an answer or if God has even heard you. You feel like he isn’t there. I know I have and never understood it until recently. I know when I was newly born again it seemed like God showed up in everything. I would pray” God if you’re real I need money for gas so can you provide for me?” and it seemed like instantly there would be some money somehow for gas. Or I would pray and literally hear God speak things about me and what needs to change in my life. But then it seemed like one day that just stopped. I couldn’t figure out why this happened. I was doing the same things of prayer and reading from when he was speaking to me and performing small miracles. So why did they just stop?
I have a very simple answer. You have matured in the things of God. As a parent I recognize that as my kids get older there are certain things that I just won’t do anymore. When your kids are babies you spoon feed them and bathe them. Can you imagine spoon feeding and giving a bath to a 15 year old teenage boy? It seems like a no brainer that’s because it is. God hears our every cry even when we think he’s not listening he is. But he can’t continue to spoon feed us because we have to grow up in him. How can we be a witness for Christ if we are still in an infant state in Christ?
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
(1Co 13:11)
I remember when I was a child, probably like my sons age now, my father would stand me in the bathroom on the toilet so I would be taller to wash me up. I found myself doing this with my son. When I did it I said to my son “Pop Pop used to wash me up just like this.” And it dawned on me that this is one of the reasons that we have to grow up. There are other babes in Christ that are coming up that we need to take care of the same way God has taken care of us. So that when they get to a point in their life that you’ve already passed you can give them that word that you’ve already been through it and you will come out.
Just know that when you feel like God isn’t answering it’s because you have matured in the things of God. He no longer needs to do the “baby” things that you needed him to do before because your faith and trust is built in him. So whatever it is know that you are equipped as a matured Christian to deal with it and knowing that God is with you always.
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1Th 5:18)
So be thankful when this happens because you are growing in Christ. I pray that you will continue to mature in the things of God so that through your matured Christian life he will be glorified and you will be an example and encouragement to the younger Christians.
God Bless you and Stay in the Race!
Pastor Jonathan Roundtree
I am young but i have felt that 'growing up' that you mentioned. i was born into the... more