There is a huge collection of opinions flying around, as well as many versions of the same truths. Does it matter, in the long run, really.., does it count for something? When it's all said and done, we are all here and doin' it together, aren't we? Maybe that's the magic factor, the human equation. Are we going to support one another with our rantings and our ravings about what's right and what's wrong with the world? Or are we going to jump off the soapbox, grab a hand or two and stop worrying about ourselves and how much we can prove?
Those of us that believe in love, in truth that is not disected and put on trial, will, find harmony with their fellow man. There is nothing, nothing, I say, more prescious than the moment at hand. No love is stronger, than at this very moment, the moment in which it is given birth and felt by you.
May you find happiness that does not demand your "time". May we all work toward a better now.
(The future, will then take care of itself).
We do have our challenges, but we do have our common ground too.
Love and light to all, for now....