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  • There always comes a time when we have to admit we were wrong, and it never seems to get any easier. No one likes to lose creditability, and sometimes even the smallest mistake can cause humiliation. What we have to remember is that mistakes are a great learning experience, and admitting you are wrong, a great practice in humility.

    Step 1

    Once you realize you are wrong, it may sting your ego or make you feel bad. Take five deep breaths to let this feeling pass.

    • Step 2

      As soon as you have  your emotions in check, repeat to yourself that everyone makes mistakes.

    • Step 3

      If you need more convincing, think about a time when you were right and remember the pride you felt when you made the right call.

    • Step 4

      Approach the person you've wronged as soon as possible. Get right to the point. Beating around the bush will only make you admission more painful.

    • Step 5

      Apologize for being wrong. Be sincere. Shake hands, hug, or simply say I'M SORRY and THEN end the conversation.

  • Marsha Hertig
    Marsha Hertig "I'm sorry".....the most under- used phrase in human vocabulary, and at times the least sincere. If you don"t mean it don't say it until you are. It hurts even more when they find out you didn't mean it in the first place.
    December 16, 2009
  • Rev. Karen Eckes Shaman By Birth
    Rev. Karen Eckes Shaman By Birth If people were always right and never wrong, then we would be God or Jesus. All people make mistakes. As soon as you realize it you should apologize by saying I am sorry for (then state what is was that you did or said). Also tell the other person that at...  more
    December 17, 2009