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  • WE were given the code, the seven laws, by the Great Spirit himself a long time ago. An old Indian man who's been gone for many years gave it to me. As I thought about it, it came back to me slowly but surely.

    Number one is respect for proper authority. Our Native way of life teaches us respect for grandparents, chiefs, medicine people, and for Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth, and everything that has life. We are a law abiding people.

    Number two is to preserve and promote the beauties of nature.

    Number three is to judge with kindness and wisdom. Even a little baby starts to judge when it's born about whether it's hungry or wants a diaper change, and it will let you know. Great Spirit gave us a brain to use to exercise good judgment, whether it's about a job or a relationship. We should use judgment in our daily lives so that we are not gullible or taken advantage of.

    Number four is moderation in all things. We say that if it helps, it is good.

    Number five is to play fair in the game of life. It is not fair to take advantage of old people, women, or children. It is not fair to invade someone else's land or home. Beating up your neighbors is not fair. 

    Number six is that a person's word of honor is sacred. We have to be honorable ourselves if we wish for others to be honest. We have always kept our word because it was in our teachings.

    Number seven is respect for difference, the basis of Indian teachings. Everything we do in our way of life has to be based on respect for other people and all living things.

    When we walk among other people—we should walk with courtesy and respect. We should only think of beautiful things when we look at other people.


    Respectfully Submitted,


    Western Federation Tribe.