Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

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Co-Creators of Partnerships

  • Many here perform wedding and union celebrations and ceremonies.  Many wisely provide pre-marital counsel and continuing guidance.  Whether from their own experiences or studies or a combination of both many of us work very hard to assist partners with making not only that special day significant but we pray and hope for it to last a lifetime.


    Because when our name is attached to something which we have been part of bringing together and blessing we like things to go well.  We consider ourselves to be part of something which a higher power and the power of others has created and brought about.  If it fails we could feel a sense of loss just as those who try every day to make their relationships work would feel a loss if things did not work out.


    So what are we trying to do when we officiate at a ceremony? More than any stipend or love offering we might ask or receive is the sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.  To have someone trust us with a special time in their lives and to check in with them once in a while to see how things are going is a very important role and responsibility.


    How often should we follow-up with those whose unions we have officiated?  To some degree we will know from the beginning when we make a commitment to be part of that special day of celebration and for others it will evolve over time as circumstances and challenges arise...

    SOMETHING to consider...and to share with others here.  HOW OFTEN should one or does one contact those who ceremonies they have officiated?

    Curious to know what others do...