Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

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  • AS THE DAY IS ALMOST OVER I reflect back over where the time has gone...and where we have been.

     WOULDN'T change a thing. The laugh lines, the sad lines, the scars, the joys, the sorrows...ALL PERFECT adventures in that UNKNOWN PATH we call LIFE...it's been a great 25TH ANNIVERSARY.

    I wish for all of YOU here at ULCM relationships of quality filled with the PASSION FOR LIFE which has marked my life together with POP LESLIE for 25 years...for better, for worse, when rich and when poor, in sickness (disability) and in health until DEATH OF OUR BODIES do us part (for a little while)...

    YES PEOPLE CHANGE...and if their relationships don't change as a result the relationship will not LAST.

    Take the GOOD with the BAD...and put yourself in your partner's shoes...what would you want them to do if you became ill, disabled, unemployed, depressed, anxious, discouraged???

     Like a good FOOTBALL GAME with its highs and lows...CARRY ON ALL...STICK WITH IT...

    you may just arrive at the FINISH LINE...TOGETHER !

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