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Deleted Member

Some thots on SHOES

  • There is, in my experience, a huge difference between expressing a personal opinion and engaging in a personal attack. If, for instance, I honestly believe, based on a person's actions, that they are conceited and self-centered, then I believe I should have a right to say so. If, however, I want to say that all women who have facial hair are sterile or that all blondes are dumb, that is, I feel, a very different choice. When one needs to refer to someone's skin or body type, sexual preference or race to "prove" one's point (they are all that way) then you have stepped in something which it will take a while to get off your shoes. And speaking of SHOES...BEFORE you say or print something try examining your assumptions...honestly walk in that other person's shoes with all that they have or don't have in life...(this takes time to observe and research)...then come back and see if it looks a little different. YES we are all "innocent until proven guilty"...the question is what exactly PROVES guilt anyway? THIS IS THE OPINION OF ONE PERSON and does not necessarily reflect the policy of the Monastery nor does it reflect the opinion or belief of any other of its members here.