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  • IS THE BIBLE ONE BOOK OR TWO? What are the consequences of that?

    JESUS says in the New Testament that he did not come to do away with the LAW of the OLD but to fulfill it...as we MATURE in our physical and spiritual lives we learn the SPIRIT of the law and its many nuances rather than just following the LETTER of the law. That's why we call it WISDOM.

    ALSO, the COVENANT of the Old Testament is not the COVENANT (agreement) of the NT. In that sense the BIBLE has 2 parts. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR is a summary of the 10 commandments found in the OT. Like giving your child the car keys after 16 years of telling them they are NOT allowed to drive, they now have to be responsible drivers! And that’s HARDER than a simple command not to drive at all.

    Perhaps most important, Christ is the sacrifice lamb...no more need to sacrifice animals. Under the New Covenant both JEW & GREEK/ROMAN, etc. are ALL GOD'S children. WE ARE ALL CHOSEN and must all answer to GOD equally. We must all break bread and drink from the same table. The playing field is leveled!