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Can't we all just GET along?

  • Can’t we just all GET along?

    How do we GET this thing called “ALONG”?

    Over the past 2 years since joining this site I have noticed here and made here myself a repeated cry for tolerance, getting along and acceptance as well as other words and phrases used to describe what is called sometimes cooperation or peaceful co-existence. The one thing I keep sensing, however, is that we are not able to agree concretely on just how people are supposed to get along with each other.

    What are the ground rules?

    Well, it appears that every culture, religion and philosophy sees that a little differently.

    Some see it as blending into the group to create peace by being open-minded and embracing one another with total acceptance…not a bad idea.

    Some see it as standing out in a group, being an individual to ensure freedom of expression which in turn assures us peace…also not a bad idea.

    Others see getting along as something that happens when there is a balance found between blending in and the freedom to be an individual…a synthesis of the first two…a bit uncomfortable perhaps, but this too could work if we try.

    When we find someone here whom we think is very different in their belief system or life philosophy than our own, how should we as individuals react? I venture a guess that the opinions and interpretations about the “proper” way to act are just as varied as there are individual orientations.

    And the mix is constantly changing as new people join the group…we are now 16,000 MEMBERS strong.

    It will be interesting to see how the discussion continues on the topic of GETTING ALONG in the days, weeks and months ahead.

    Will we settle on rules and definitions that everyone can agree to?

    Will we decide to share on totally non-religious topics only because then we won’t be annoying one another sort of like the separation of church and state?

    Will we cease to exist altogether? I certainly hope not.

    I trust we will continue to use words like honor, love and respect. We will continue to share and quote the writings, authors and leaders we hold dear to our hearts. That’s sort of normal to do.

    But how will we get along without agreeing to some minimal ground rules? We struggle with the obvious “bring harm to no one” and can’t seem to agree to what constitutes “harm”.
    We tell one another we are being “too sensitive” or remind one another that it’s just harmless name-calling.

    Maybe we could all run for political office and cite our experiences here at this site as good experience for the debates we would need to engage in to do so…

    Ah yes, the possibilities are endless.

    Here’s to the journey ahead.


1 comment
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose We are all different and we learn to accept that as we see more and more different ideologies on this sight. It is quite an adventure, and I appreciate everyone's right to their own views; after all, that is what our motto implies, doesn't it? Of course t...  more
    October 14, 2011 - 1 likes this