What is faith?
I have often asked myself that question as I walk my path. Is it trust? Is it knowing? It is the certainty in someone or something? I have experienced it as all these things, sometimes singularly, sometimes all together, and more. But more than entertaining a discussion of 'what is faith' I must ask:
How does one lose it?
Or, more accurately for my interest, is it possible to lose faith after 'seeing' too much?
Can one experience too much of... God, the Universe, Life, Faith, whatever you want to call that Force that guides us... and after experiencing too much, lose faith in it? It seems odd to consider, until it's happened to you. To be so completely in the flow of things, trusting in God to provide, seeing every day the miracles that surround us, watching as time and again God providing exactly what is needed exactly when it is needed despite all rationality.... then suddenly losing faith in it all. Maybe seeing one too many miracles, experiencing one too many divine interventions, experiencing one too many times the bliss of communion... how does that propel one to lose faith?