Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Michael Valoppi

Insanity... it's not just an excuse, but a way of life...

  • For those who chose to walk along a less traveled path... My Love & Blessings to you all...


  • Troy Cleveland
    Troy Cleveland Well I would agree that Insanity is not an excuse but is a state of mind that can be changed. You can change the way of life by changing the way you think, do and act. Power of Metaphysics the cause and effect theory. whatever u feed your mind there u wil...  more
    November 16, 2009
  • Michael Valoppi
    Michael Valoppi Greetings Father George...
    Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hold bountiful healing light that you will co-create your mastery over those things which you choose to hold as afflictions. I believe the drug companies do serve a purpose. Al...  more
    November 13, 2009
  • Father George Marlow
    Father George Marlow Interesting. I particularly like the little cartoon at the top. As an insane person in a world of sanity???????, I think I understand what you are trying to say. I actually would have been considered insane not all that many years ago.

    I suffer fr...  more
    November 13, 2009