Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Jonathon Roulston


  • What is the philosophical basis of Universalism?

  • Jacinta Moore
    Jacinta Moore Universalism is the belief that there are universal truths and that truths can be expressed in many ways. These truths are principals rather than specific edicts or adjuncts. This truth is something broader and deeper than surface appearances that are l...  more
    September 29, 2012
  • Jacinta Moore
    Jacinta Moore As far as salvation and enlightenment being apples and oranges, I take instruction from the Bible on this matter which states' "That the truth shall set you free." If enlightenment is knowing the truth and therefore achieving freedom from falsehood, then ...  more
    September 29, 2012
  • Jay Olson
    Jay Olson Interesting take on that Jacinta. As far as a universal truth in the matter of salvation and enlightenment, from your point of view it is entirely true. Could it possibly be the reverse? That it takes salvation to become enlightened, thereby recognizin...  more
    September 29, 2012
  • Rev. Jonathon  Roulston
    Rev. Jonathon Roulston A concern that was brought to my attention, and the entire reason for this post...
    If something is both true, and not, then it is nothing.
    September 29, 2012