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Apostolic Emissary Clifford Crate

A new year for me

  • (I started this mesage almost 3 hrs ago on FB as a 'note'. It is a bit longer and not exactly what I had planned to write. Read on to find out more.)

     It was one year ago today that I finally accpeted God's calling and became ordained. At the time I didn't really pay attention to the date. It wasn't until a few weeks after that I realized my ordination date was 9/11. And for the last year I have been praying and waiting on God to lead me and to reveal to me the path that I should take. And today He has done just that.

    For a while God has been telling me He is very disappointed with the way churches try to define Him. They try to make Him fit how they perceive Him...to put Him in a box. What I always find comforting is how God confirms His word to me through other sources. Whether its a person or a song or a book, He always let's me know whether I am right or wrong. This is why I don't just write blogs (or notes) whenever I receive a message from Him. I wait for that confirmation. Because when it comes, it lets me know that the time is right to share. All that God has been showing me about churches and organized religion over this last year has come full circle.

    In the book, "The Dynamics of Worship" by James Gills (first published in 2004, then revised in 2007), I found a passage that actually was from a three-tape series, "How to Rise Above Burnout" by Malcolm Smith:

    "You understand why religion was invented. It was to keep God at a safe distance. I used to believe that all the religions of the world were men reaching out for God. It isn't. All the religions of the world are there to keep God at a safe distance. You see, man knows there's a God, but he's scared spitless of Him, so he's got to keep Him away.

    So I know what we'll do ... we'll build a God-house and put Him in there! So we have the "house of God." That's got Him off my back. If He's in His house, He's not in mine! We'll give Him a certain day. That's it, we'll give Him one day. That gives me six.

    I'll give Him times. We'll have hours of prayer. That means I won't have to pray all the time. Religion says, "Spend fifteen minutes in prayer every day." That gets Him off your back. Fifteen minutes. You've got the other 23 3/4 hrs. Right? Keep Him at a distance. See, I know He's there, but keep Him at a distance.

    I tell you what we'll do ... we'll employ people full-time to talk to Him. Then I don't have to, see. Religion. All religion is like that. I'm not joking. Religion keeps God at arm's length from man. And now religion is uneasy. Why? Because the God they're supposed to represent has really turned up among them. And they're very upset. God has escaped! He got out of the house! And He's walking among them, and He doesn't fit at all what they thought He was like."

    Over the last five years as I have grown closer to, and stronger in The Lord, I have discovered this to be true. When I tell people about my relationship with God, most are shocked and amazed...and don't think that it's right. The disciples were able to walk and talk with Jesus while He was here. But He had to go...He had to fulfill His Father's plan. He had to do God's will. But when He left, He didn't leave us alone. He left us with Holy Spirit. And if we allow Him, the Spirit will leads us into all truth. The Spirit IS here in the world today.

    Today I make my stand. I draw a line in the sand. No more will I back down. No more will I be afraid to speak my mind when it comes to God. Today I bow humbly before God and ask Him to bless the ministry He has prepared for me: Warriors of God. It's time to return to basic spiritual truths...to the teaching of Jesus to the disciples, and to the teaching from the apostles to us. Discipline, Honor, Loyalty and Duty (even unto death). Without these a warrior is nothing. And the true test of a warrior is not from without, it is from within. We have to accept the discipline of God. If we mess up we have to know that He loves us enough to correct us...to spank us if need be. We need to honor God not just in word, but in deeds and actions. You can only be loyal to one master. Who will it be, God or man? Our duty is to God, and only His will is important. The apostles were willing to die rather than back down. And even some of my ancestors gave up lands, titles, money, positions of authority rather than be told how they had to worship God. Even suicide bombers die for what they believe in. Yes, their beliefs are wrong. But they have such strong faith in it that they will gladly sacrifice themselves for it.

    And now it comes to me. Warriors of God is all about the battles that true believers have to go through, whether they are spiritual, politcal or otherwise. The time of the rapture is coming. The tribulation draws ever closer. One piece at a time we losing religious freedoms. No prayer in schools. Take out "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. Remove the Ten Commandments from in front of the courthouses. And the newest twist: remove "In God We Trust" from all currency. As a group, Christians today are weak and pathetic. They talk a loud talk, but they don't stand up and fight for what is right. "We are supposed to be meek." Meek does not mean weak. Meek means we don't go looking for trouble, we don't start a fight. But whenever it comes our way we don't let them run over us. Remember Jesus' action in the temple courtyard? Jesus was the perfect example of meek, yet when He saw something that was wrong, He took action. And I am doing the same. And it's about time I did. It's about time all Christians do.

    As I have said before, I never wanted to be a leader. Just let me work behind the scenes. Let me be a supporter. Yet not my will, but God's will be done. And God's will has never been more clear to me than ever. If you have never seen the "Left Behind" movies, I strongly suggest you do. As much as I would hate to go through the tribulation, I also have a strong desire to be one who God would choose to stay behind and lead others to the truth. But that will be up to God.

    I implore you to study God's word every day. And don't lean on others for understanding, trust God to let His Spirit reveal the truth. A lot of scripture has such simple and clear meaning, yet man has clouded it by saying, "this verse means that", or "that verse means this". Man tells you the bible says you need to attend a church. No, it doesn't. The bible says, "And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." (Heb 10:24-25/NASB) and Jesus taught, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matt 18:20/NASB). Did you know that when you are talking on the phone with someone about your beliefs that you are having church? At work the same rule applies. If you and a few co-workers are working or standing around and discussing the bible and/or what you believe, that is church. And here online too. Whenever someone posts about their beliefs and someone comments back, then someone else does, etc., that is church. Man would make it complicated and tell you otherwise, but God's word makes it so simple. Not that I have anything against a church (other than what God has revelaed to me as I stated above.) that is open to the working of His Spirit, but so many churches aren't. Why do churches have a set order of events: first we have an opening hymn, then prayer, then another hymn, followed by the offering, then testimonies, then another prayer, then the sermon, an altar call, a closing hymn and the benediction. (This may not be the exact order of your church, but you see what I mean.) All the songs are prechosen as listed in the bulletin. Even most sermons are prepared in advance to fit a certain time frame. Every week its the same order with very minor variations, if any. Just as God deosn't like repetitive prayer ("And when you pray, do not heap up phrases (multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over) as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking." Matt 6:7/Amp), God doesn't like repetitve services. It is too easy become complacent. I speak from personal experience, I have been there.

    No more! It's time to wake up! Little by little satan has slipped in and spread his little lies among the churches. Too many Christians have become luke-warm. And God is preparing to spew them out of His mouth.

    The gift of prophecy is one gift I fought against for so long. Yet as I began this note, as I began to reveal what God has planned for me, He took over. I will not back down with any of what I have said. And if it makes you feel uncomfortable, or you can't see the simple truths He has revealed, then you need only to open your bible. This is it people. Now is the appointed time. The Holy Spirit is being poured out. As more Christians begin to wake up and look around, they will only confirm what God has revealed here. And God has a lot more to reveal. There is coming a great division of the churches. Many will not survive it. The great falling away is about to begin. It has already started in fact. Look at church attendance, especially here in America. And look at the breakdown of families and communities. We may not know the day or hour, but we will know the season.

    The rapture is closer than you think. When it happens, will you be left behind? I pray not. I pray that at least one person reads this and realizes that this is exactly what you already know as well. God's Spirit has prepared you to receive these words. And when you do realize this, I urge you to not waste any time. You will know what to do.

    "The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen."