Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kerena Hyler DD OCC


  • My journey to the ULC began back in the 1980's, actually. I was in college and I began searching for something. 


    You see, Christianity no longer fit me. I found my beliefs changing from Christian to Spiritual but Distrusting of Religion, thanks to being encouraged and told by some very wonderful teachers and professors that it was perfectly alright - even encouraged - to think for myself, for we were created with a brain and therefore thinking isn't a sin.


    I dove into Joseph Campbell's books and lectures that they recommended and it progressed from there. I found myself reading Desmond Morris' Human Animal book. I discovered Dr. Sagan and Stephen Hawking. I found the writings of Einstein and I learned about the beliefs of our founding fathers regarding the church. I studied Existentialism and Transcendentalism. I developed a liking for Marcus Aurelius and other philosophers. I took the path of the Peaceful Warrior. I found I actually enjoyed quantum physics, though I still have trouble understading them sometimes. Dr. Wolf has been a huge help to me in that department.


    I found I could not sit in my old church (I won't name it here, they know who they are) without feeling unloved, judged or persecuted. I forgive them and I've since moved on.


    Over the next two decades I explored a variety of paths. Some fit, some didn't. I followed where Spirit/Divine Providence led me. I checked into the faiths of my ancient ancestors - very interesting indeed, runecraft and Tsalagi (Cherokee) teachings! The Neo-pagans I met were the most wonderful warm people I'd ever met. I enjoyed my time talking with Bahai, Buddhists, etcetera. Each and every one contributed to what I have since come to believe.


    I felt after a while that I wanted to belong to a church with like-minded people and people who were tolerant of other backgrouds so I went searching. I was already ordained in the Deist church (since 2002). I didn't really care about marrying people; I was a lay minister and a freelance chaplain without a physical church home close by. The closest local match to my beliefs was the Unitarian church but I quit attending after a couple of times; they just didn't have the right 'feel' for me. Reform Judaism was a lot closer - almost a perfect match - but wasn't quite it.


    I kept searching and I came across the ULC but something kept me from joining. I was still exploring, not ready to enter the fold. I knew I was ready when I was finally at peace within myself. I've never been happier in my entire spiritual life and the journey continues on.


    I finally joined the ULC in August of this year. I am still a firm Deist, even moreso now as my ongoing studies continue. I hope to study and learn my entire life.


    That is how I came to be here. What's your story?