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Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG

Just Rambling.....



    If you could tell the world one single command or action like: with your finger, point up and every body did, would they point at the same direction?


    Not really because the planet earth is round and pointing up would point at different area of space.


    Now what about if you say point down? They should point at the same direction witch is the center of the planet, but also pass that; they would point at each other.




    Depending of where you where born, your culture, you gender; your perspectives will be different. So different it seems that we will be ready to fight for issues that will seem trivial to others.


    Some will change all their lives, because of their travels, activities, education, new friends and other will hold dearly to what they perceive as the only reality; their opinions.




    They are what define us, we express them or repress them, sometime at will and other time as a survival instinct, however the reality of our enemies or friends are shape by our opinions. The opinions that I had as a young man are somewhat different than now, and so are my friends.




    There are many level of friends, they are the casual, the sincere, old and new friends that will show up when in trouble to lend you an hand and the fake one that will criticise you when your not around and will hug you when you’re there. Don’t get me wrong, I understand, that’s society, the reality of civilization; being a Gentle Man.


    Should we be all “Gentle Man” ……?


    I am torn to answer no and “of course”. If a “Gentle Man” points to the skies do others have to say that they point in the same direction or will they argue that you where pointing at a very far planet in some galaxy, many light year away. Will those “Gentle Mans”   argue that you are crazy indeed and that it’s in there opinion, that they should lock you away.


    Sometime…….its so hard to be a human!


    Not that living is hard, here in this place, but the rules are somewhat complicated. A friend told me lately that you have to ignore the criticizing of other to survive, another said it in other words; “f..k them”. ..They might be right, but I have chosen sometime ago, to look in the eyes of the beast, this gives me a perspective of reality that defines my perception of this world; to have good, bad must exist, like light would not exist without darkness or up without down. You can not go around this, as I point to the skies.



1 comment
  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno Rev. Jean-Guy, while in college & deep in theology study I kept running into the differing beliefs exclusive claims and the multitude of differences between each of them. Feeling frustrated at all their differences I decided to take a page from my fat...  more
    April 29, 2015 - 1 likes this