some people believe that they possess great faith and that they can just speak things into existence, but faith without work is dead.
a lot of churches today preach prosperity as though god will somehow mysteriously send them a check in the mail, but faith without work is dead
some people think that because they go to church, give money, help the poor and helpless that god will give them the man or women that they want and desire, but faith without work is dead
if riches came from giving money to the church every rich person would be in church, there would be no room for the poor
if someone could speak things into your life, every person would have the perfect life
if doing religious things predestined you to get a perfect mate everyone would be religious
but none of these things work, why? because faith without work is dead
Faith is common sense
rich people own businesses, that means they invested money, time and man power into a small business working day and night in order to achieve success. that is faith, belief confidence with planning and hard work equals success
taken what your mother did, your father did, the failures and hurt of your past and using it as a catapult to achieve success, wealth and happiness. that is faith, belief confidence with planning and hard work equals success,
taking the time in getting to know yourself and becoming a complete person understanding that true joy, happiness, love and peace already exits inside of you, will not allow you to become desperate just wanting to have a man, women or lover. but by working hard in becoming a complete person you would then be able to seek out (work)someone that is worthy of your love, worthy of your joy and worthy of your peace and happiness. that is faith, belief confidence with planning and hard work equals success
having a vision of what you want, making plans and putting in the hard work to achieve success is what faith is.
saying to the mountain “be gone” and then digging it down is faith at work. my friends faith without work is dead
rev. Bernard r pilgrim