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    Someone wrote that they hate the fact that people believe in the separation of church and state, but I believe that those people should take another look at the past history of the church and state.

    You should realize that the church and the kingdom of GOD which was established among men are two separate entities.

    It is this same church that you honor that told women they were inferior to men, it was this same church that sanction, blessed the ownership of slaves, it was this same church that authorize the burning of men and women calling them witches and warlocks, it was this same church that offered itself to be used in the new world by calling the natives savages to justify taken they land, riches, women and children, it was the same church that blessed the crusades that slaughtered Muslims in the middle east, is it not the same church that states that if a women gets rape and becomes pregnant that it is the will of GOD and she should keep the child?

    Should I stop or should I talk about all the other atrocities that were done and still being done in the name of the church?

    My friends, it is not the church that our laws, culture and Morals are based upon they are sole based upon the righteous ordinances of GOD not the church.

    It is this same church that you keep defending that has turned people away from GOD, what about all of those pastors, evangelist, preachers, deacon and priests that have been caught in some sexual scandal, the raping of young boys or the pilfering of money

    Because religion in the greatest weapon of war it must be kept out of those hands that have so much monetary power from wheeling it, these same people will use it to control people, implement laws that will govern us under the disguise of righteousness.

    The kingdom of GOD that is shed aboard in our hearts is where you will find the true church of GOD not in a building, not in an organized religion but in the hearts of righteous men.

    REV. Bernard Pilgrim

  • Tom Asdell likes this
  • Tom Asdell
    Tom Asdell As a Witch myself, I have some issues with things done in the name of the church over the centuries - the previous Pope, in his apology for the past atrocities committed in the name of the church pointed out an important thing - it wasn't the fault of the...  more
    November 13, 2012
  • Tom Asdell
    Tom Asdell Separation of Church and state, however, is very important! And, for those Christians who follow the teachings attributed to Jesus - he made the distinction of what should be given to God and what should be given to Caeser - if I were one of them I'd tak...  more
    November 13, 2012
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG A province in Canada called Quebec, was 98% Catholic, the state and the church was pretty much one for about 300-400 years. In the late fifty, came the woman liberation, mass children abuse by priest and heavy education for woman on profession held by men...  more
    November 14, 2012