Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Sir Patrick Shinkle

Back On Line

  • Yes, I am back on line.  I have missed the interactions of of the many that have contributed so much.  Sadly,  all the comments and sharing can no longer be viewed and read.  Somehow, they have all been deleted and cannot be found and all that remains are the Titles of Blogs and Group Discussions.  I do not know, to any degree of certainty if I have been Ordained.  What matters to me are my friends and the members of ULC Seattle, I hold close to my Heart and they cannot be deleted.  It was not my purpose to get Back On Line and throw suspicions at my favored Friends, and In my Heart I believe myself to be Ordained.  I must, however raise an eyebrow when I am told who I can and cannot be associated with.  I will continue to comment on this matter as my feelings reveal themselves.  I certainly do not want to offend any one.  This is truely a time for Soul Searching for me and the discovery of the Truth and an unbiased opinion.  Many Blessings to All.

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