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Dr. El March

What is Faith?

  • Posted 19/12/12 at 01:25 PM Reply with quote #1 

    We often hear the words: “have some faith” come up from any and all sources whether in religious content or otherwise.


    What is Faith to you?  What does it mean to have faith? How does it change or affect your life? What is its importance?


    To me, to explain faith I have to go back to the core of my creation.  To understand creation, spend a little time in truly understanding what you are made of and how you roll.  We are all made of energy.  Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah.  We have all heard that before right?  What does that have to do with faith?  Everything! 


    So what is energy?  Here is a simple definition:

    Energy causes things to happen around us. Look out the window.  During the day, the sun gives out light and heat energy. At night, street lamps use electrical energy to light our way.  When a car drives by, it is being powered by gasoline, a type of stored energy.  The food we eat contains energy. We use that energy to work and play.  "Energy Is the Ability to Do Work." Energy can be found in a number of different forms. It can be chemical energy, electrical energy, heat (thermal energy), light (radiant energy), mechanical energy, and nuclear energy.


    Energy is Light.  Light is a type of energy we use all the time. We use it so we can see. We get most of our light from the sun.  At night, we must make our own light. Usually, we use electricity to make light. Flashlights use electricity, too. This electricity comes from batteries.


    Energy is Heat. We use energy to make heat. The food we eat keeps our bodies warm. Sometimes, when we run or work hard, we get really hot. We use the energy stored in plants and other things to make heat. We burn wood and natural gas to cook food and warm our houses. Factories burn fuel to make the products they sell. Power plants burn coal and natural gas to make electricity.


    Energy Makes Things Grow.  All living things need energy to grow. Plants use light from the sun to grow. Plants change the energy from the sun into sugar and store it in their roots and leaves. Animals can’t change light energy into sugars. Animals, including people, eat plants and use the energy stored in them to grow. Animals can store the energy from plants in their bodies.


    Energy Makes Things Move.  Cars run on the energy stored in gasoline. Many toys run on the energy stored in batteries. Sail boats are pushed by the energy in the wind.


    Energy Runs Machines.  It takes energy to run our TVs, computers, and video games—energy in the form of electricity. We use electricity many times every day. It gives us light and heat, it makes things move, and it runs our toys and microwaves. Imagine what your life would be like without electricity. We make electricity by burning coal, oil, gas, and even trash. We make it from the energy that holds atoms together. We make it with energy from the sun, the wind, and falling water. Sometimes, we use heat from inside the Earth to make electricity.


    Energy Doesn’t Disappear.  There is the same amount of energy today as there was when the world began. When we use energy, we don’t use it up; we change it into other forms of energy. When we burn wood, we change its energy into heat and light. When we drive a car, we change the energy in gasoline into heat and motion. There will always be the same amount of energy in the world.


    What I have said up there, you all have heard of and read about in books, articles and at school.  So now the rest:


    The new science also accepts that the universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter, because matter is made of energy (light). This is not actually new – it was suggested by Socrates in Europe way back when, and by the ancient rishis in India thousands of years before that.


    Socrates said that soul, and the universe are made of energy – pure energy which was there before human and other material things like the earth came along.

    However at the end of the seventeenth century Newtonian physics became the corner-stone of science, and it was based on the theory that there is only matter and nothing else – the whole universe is a machine, made of matter, and so are we. Medical science is still stuck in the Newtonian concept, even though the rest of science has now moved on to quantum physics.


    Quantum physics says that as you go deeper and deeper into the workings of the atom, you see that there is nothing there – just energy waves. It says an atom is actually an invisible force field, a kind of miniature tornado, which emits waves of electrical energy.

    Those energy waves can be measured and their effects seen, but they are not a material reality, they have no substance because they  just electricity. So science now embraces the idea that the universe is made of energy.


    We are of course made up of atoms. And atoms are continuously giving off, and absorbing, light and energy, all the time. It doesn’t stop even when we sleep. Every cell in the body has its atoms lined up in such a way that it has a negative and a positive voltage, inside and outside. So every cell in our body is a miniature battery. Each cell has 1.4 volts of energy – not much, but when you multiply by the number of cells in your body (~50 trillion) you get a total voltage of 700 trillion volts of electricity in your body. Pretty strong stuff! It can even be measured outside the body for a certain radius, depending on the sophistication of the instrument.


    Now here is another interesting fact which relates to our lives. Each atom has its own distinct frequency, or vibration. And quantum physicists study the energetic effect when atoms collide, not their ‘matter’. What they see is that when two atomic waves meet, they either meet in synch, creating a constructive or harmonious effect, or they meet out of synch, creating a destructive effect in which they nullify each other.


    Now, we are all created of atomic energy waves, and because it is impossible to separate waves, the new science says: we are all connected - our waves are always meeting and getting entangled in each other. This means it is important to be aware of whether you are in an environment where you are getting entangled in destructive energy waves or constructive energy waves. The cells that make up our bodies know instinctively what is nourishing and what is toxic to us.  And in fact all animals and plants communicate through vibrations, i.e. by sensing whether the energy is good for them or not. But we have been taught not to listen to our feelings but instead to what people say. So we are not trained to use our ability to sense energy, even though we have it just as all plants and animals have.


    The first thing is that in this world, matter and consciousness are not two separate things. What we call matter is consciousness asleep, and what we know as consciousness is matter awakened. In reality matter and consciousness are not different; they are different manifestations of the same thing. Existence is one, and that one is godliness. When that one is asleep it appears as matter, and when awake it is consciousness. So don’t treat matter and consciousness as separate entities; they are only practical terms. They are not really different.


    As science goes deeper and deeper into matter it finds that matter is no more and only energy remains, only energy is. What remain after the explosion or splitting of an atom is only particles of energy. And what we know as electrons, protons and neutrons are particles of electricity. In fact, it is not correct to call them particles, because particles imply matter. The scientists had to find a new word, which is quanta, which has a different connotation altogether.


    When science dug deep, it found that only energy is, and when spirituality delved deep, it found only spirit or soul is. And soul is energy.

    So going back to the discussion of Faith, when you, everything within you and outside of you and where and what you came from are all the same energy, you must follow the rules of energy.


    One of the most basic and easy things about energy, light or electricity we know of is that “it is just.”  Meaning in the world of electricity there are no favours.  We are all treated equally regardless of our colour, age, religion, nationality, etc.  The electrical outlet will not determine whether you deserve to die or be spared depending on any of the mentioned qualities.  We can use the electricity by the rules and in prosperity or misuse it and suffer a great burn or even death of our physical reality.  Faith comes from understanding this simple truth and rule. 


    Creation itself is produced and made up of the aggressive and receptive principles. This principle of creation is based on the negatively and positively charged poles of polarity that can be seen throughout all creation. This duality of the energy of creation is exhibited in the relationship between all male and female species of physical life, between the inner level experiences within the mind of human, the thinker and between the subatomic particles of electrons and protons in the atom.


    Through our mental and spiritual research, we have observed and experienced the thoughts of human to be subject to a Universal Law called the Law of Cause and Effect. This law states that thought is cause and effect is its manifest likeness. The results of the quark experiments verify the findings of spiritual teachers, shamans, and sages that 'thought is cause' by this smallest physically measured energy particle exhibiting instantaneous responses to the thoughts of the creative intelligence of human. Through this phenomenon, we have uncovered a physically observed link between the energy of creation and the thought energy of human.  Just as we have the aggressive and receptive qualities in basic building blocks of creation such as the atom, we can begin to see these same qualities exhibited in the mind of human, a manifestation of God. The receptive and aggressive principles of creation are also called the Yin and Yang in many cultures of the Far East. In order for any creation to occur, there always has to be an aggressive (+) act such as the producing of a thought in the form of a goal for example (yang), followed by the receptive (-) act of receiving the image within the subconscious mind where it can begin to mature (yin) for eventual manifestation into the physical realm.

    Within the atom we find, a basic structure and building block in creation, an active attractive force between opposites in polarity. This force is the basis for the flow of electricity and magnetism. Because creation and everything made in the universe is based on the attractive force between opposites in polarity, everything in creation is also subject to the magnetism.


    The Kybalion, a book of Hermetic Philosophy states that a distinct manifestation of the Principle of Gender among the ions or electrons exists, which constitute the basis of Matter as science now perceives it. As the electrons rotate at the speed of light around a nucleus that is made up of a combination of protons, and neutrons, the Atom is formed. The Kybalion states that this process is in line with the most ancient Hermetic Teachings, which have always identified the Masculine principle of Gender with the Positive, and the Feminine with the 'Negative' Poles of Electricity.

    The great Fourth Hermetic Principle - the Principle of Polarity - symbolizes the truth that all manifested things have two sides; two aspects; two poles; a pair of opposites, with multiple degrees between the two extremes.

    Science says that the electrons are composed of negative electricity, and spiritual teachers say they are composed of Feminine or receptive energy. When electrons (-) become detached from a proton and neutron, it actively seeks union with another proton or aggressive energy (+) by a natural impulse to create new forms of matter or energy. When the new union is formed, the receptive particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of the aggressive energy particles, and circle rapidly around them and a new atom is formed.

    The process of detachment of the receptive electrons is called ionization. Ions maybe nature's most enthusiastic creators, and the unions they create provide the basis for the varied phenomena of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, attraction, repulsion, and chemical affinity, and all this arises from operation of the Principle of Gender on the level of Energy.

    Now, I have said all that, to tell you that electricity follows the rule or the law of Cause and Effect.   What is this law, and what explains the link between this law and subatomic particles of energy and the thought energy of human? The Law of Cause and Effect embodies a universal truth that you have probably heard spoken many times - Thoughts are things.

    Another way to put it is: you are as you image yourself to be. Thoughts are real, and they have an effect on the energy that permeates and makes up all life in our universe. Even though thoughts are not dense matter, each of us creates our own reality and quality of life with our thought.

    A passage from the Buddhist holy book, the Dhammapada, describes the Law of Cause and Effect very well:   “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.” Dhammapada, Twin Verses, Verses 1-2.

    Our thoughts cause the manifestations in our life, and our physical manifestations are the effects or the results of our thinking. When we embrace the power we have already been given by our creator to manifest our true destiny, we release the idea of victimhood and accept the birthright we have been given by our spiritual parent and we become creators in our own right.


    Having Faith means understanding who we are, where we come from and how we are united and connected to ALL whether or not we are aware of it.  By understanding our simple nature and just the couple of laws that I mentioned, we see that in truth, there is absolutely NOTHING, NOT A THING,  that we need to be worried or anxious about.  Why? Because all causes create effects.  You need not worry about what someone has done or may be doing to you or even their possible intentions.  You do not need to worry about how to protect or prevent things and all fear leaves your being.  You are not excluded from the laws that govern this electrical Universe.  If you send out a vibration, just wait and see the results come back to you.  Take ONLY responsibility for your own vibration and all will be well.


    This changes everything in our lives.  This has a tremendous effect on us and how we live.  Don’t you agree?


    Check out my other blogs at: www.drmarchunity.com


    In Love & Light,
