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Victoria Bramblett

Pagan Exorcisms Part 1

  • I will share a few things I have learned so far on the subject. After hours of study I have confirmed what many pagans have said do not exist. Pagan Exorcisms in fact exist.

    The use of blessed water, Salt, Herbs and smudges are common. Many of them consist of short incantation. I do not consider the short two liners to be exorcisms. I throw those out of this study. A few call for sharp objects such as Athames and swords. I say if a person is possesed or is not in their right mind, sharp objects are not the answer. Someone could get hurt. The use of blessed water makes sense . The use of water to cleanse. The element is also know for emotion. Blessed water= holy water infusing it with power and the essences of herbs. The salt is well known for its protective purposes. I have used it often. Often mixing it with blessed water to sprinkle about. Herbs and Smudges can be quite useful in removing spirits. I have experience with cleansing houses. In many ways it is simular to an exorcism. A few herbs I find useful in banishing ( which means they can be used for exorcisms) Sage is #1 Sage known for cleansing through the pagan world is used often. It was used by Native Americans for cleansing. Rosemary #2 I have used it only a few times but it does the trick! Garlic #3 Strongly scented and powerful. Garlic is known for its cleansing of the body. I use it when I need extra protection. It tends to stink when burning though. Onion #4 not for burning. Onions are known for absorbing illness and it can and will absorb negative energy. I like to cut onions up and leave them around the house when I am done sageing. I toss them after a day or two. It lightens the mood. If you do not like onion don't use it.


    Words used are many. Some use latin and others english. But one thing almost all call for is their deity. It seems that your personal deity is the key. Not only asking for a higher power but the power in your own faith in your deity seems to work. Many people forget how powrful words can be. As I learn more about exorcisms I will continue to add more blog posts. If you know any information on the subject please message me. Study is never done and we are always learning and expanding. Blessings to all and I am looking forward to posting more.

  • Rev. Elizabeth  Baldwin
    Rev. Elizabeth Baldwin I am wiccan yes in my rituals I use all you mentioned, but I do not believe in the devil or exorcism since man does his own evil and no devil making him bad it is all in his head and heart I can only pray he would come to realIty
    February 2, 2014
  • Rev. Elizabeth  Baldwin
    Rev. Elizabeth Baldwin my dear friend I hope you know I was not being negative to you, you did mention that you study the subject, if I can help in any way please let me know. Rev Elizabeth Baldwin
    February 2, 2014
  • Victoria Bramblett
    Victoria Bramblett When a pagan uses an exorcism it is not to remove a devil but a very dark entity . Many who do spirit work and experienced shamans can tell you they exist. If you allow the wrong spirit or entity in you can be possessed. People do create evils and their ...  more
    February 4, 2014 - 1 likes this