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Amy Woods

What actually happens when we pray?

  • I would like to share with you what a prayer thought form actually looks like from an energetic perspective:  

    “Whenever prayer is done with deep sincerity, concentration, and clear intent, a distinct thought form begins to build in the air above the person praying.  Not surprisingly, the form takes the shape of a graceful, long stemmed glass, chalice, or Holy Grail.  As the prayer thought is held, the chalice becomes the receptacle into which the manna of divine creative energy is poured to fulfill the request.  The manifestation comes through this open channel.  Often this comes about in the quiet time after the praying is done, in the silence following intense, heart-felt prayer.  The formation of the instant answer comes into manifestation in exact accordance with the belief of the person who prays.  This occurs providing that there is no doubting, negating thought, or statement made to cancel the request.” ~ from Mystical Magical You by WIlda B. Tanner

    Our thoughts and prayers form a real energy that just doesn't disappear. It is energy that is created, and whether it manifests or not is driven by our feelings and beliefs about what we pray and think about.   This has actually been scientifically measured in what is known as L-Fields and T-Fields.  Steven A. Ross, a PhD in bio-energy is quoted as saying “All of life reduces to electricity and magnetism acting on L and T-Fields.  All matter is bipolar, held together by these unseen fields.  All chanting, mantras and meditation affect these polarities.  All disease, illness, growth, decay, and emotions are regulated by them.  You can fix your life by interacting with these underlying fields-and through them, create, act and live closer to God.”  Our thoughts, prayers, and beliefs are REAL and affect us every day.

    I wanted to write about this for the month of February as February carries a world vibration of the 8 energy in a 6 personal year.  Under an 8 energy our ability manifest is heightened.  Many of you have heard me state that in the story of creation from the bible, on the 7th day God rested and reflected on what he had created, and on the 8th day life manifested into the material world.  It is under this vibration where we truly reap what we have sown, and we sow with our thoughts as we live in a thought created universe.

    It is quite common in the month of February that people tend to have more heavy, depressed thoughts.  We are all still coming off the excitement of the year end and all those January resolutions that we made, and dreams that we have visualized.  Now February enters, and many of us feel the energy of all that we haven’t manifested starring us in the face-not to mention Valentines Day.  We are all wondering why we still are dealing with financial troubles, or relationship issues, or health issues.  All those new  years resolutions that we haven’t kept, all those fears we thought we had released bubble up to show us deeper beliefs and truths we still hold.  

    This is a perfect month to use the world energy available to work WITH our thoughts.  Pay attention to exactly what we think about throughout the day.  What do we pray for?  One of the most important things we can do as humans is to sit with our thoughts and ask ourselves why we think what we do.  Then, more importantly, ask ourselves what is the underlying belief generating our thoughts.  It is in this simple exercise that we can quite literally and profoundly affect our current reality. 

    An idea just occurred to me, and it is one that I am going to put into practice today.  Keeping a daily thought journal!

    When someone is trying to lose weight one of the first things they are counseled to do is to keep a food journal.  It is an eye opening experience.  How much do they eat during the day?  How often do they eat?  What kinds of foods do they eat?  This is also a helpful exercise for someone who is trying to save money-they keep a spending journal.  How much does that Starbucks latte a day cost them in a month?   Where are they draining their bank account?  It is in these simple exercises that one can easily see where they can make changes.  

    By creating a thought journal one can easily see how much energy is being spent on literally creating exactly what it is that we don’t want in our lives.  What an amazing and simple exercise to do!  For all of us who want to be conscious creators of our lives, this is how I believe we truly do it.  With our thoughts and beliefs about those thoughts. 

    I challenge everyone reading this to begin to keep a thought journal using the supportive energies of the month of February and the power of the 8 vibration!  I know I will.

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel I have found for myself that whether I doubt or not or even negative thinking, has no real effect on the outcome of the prayer. For me it's all about "survival mode" and not taking no for an answer,lol. If the need is great then the energy is at it's stro...  more
    March 9, 2013
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel in a different way then I envision, which for us doesn't matter how it's manifested so long as the need is met. I've spent some time in the past studying energy and the things you have posted. For some, some need to think positive in order to gain what th...  more
    March 9, 2013
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel my tail, and I'll yell really loud in my car " Back off!" funny is, they usually do about 1-11/2 car spaces back,lol. Usually when it is like that, I am upset for them being reckless , however, the real motive is because I know I can't afford for them to ...  more
    March 9, 2013
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel energy that is forced into the universe. However I also think it's different for every person. I'm sure much of it depends on what motivates the person. I love talking about topics like these. Thanks for the great blog!:)
    March 9, 2013