Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

David Stech


  • I am Also a Paranormal investigator, I keep my faith and the paranormal seperate although i do use my faith to protect me. Through out my many years dabling into these activities i have came into some very dark energies! that was not nor have never lived. to me through my experiances these were not Devils demons of that such. These were nothing but manifestations of raw negatyive energies of the lands the negative energies of people that we naturally put out. that can manifest themsleve and mingle with this realm. these energies are divine dont get me wrong everything is divine , but these energies isnt what religions have dubbed them, it is work of satan or anything like that. its just energies. and with the aspects of ghost i dont believe there is a heaven or hell. our souk energies divine touch what have you, It just lves on other higher existance after our shells die. the energies are real how our brains inteprets them is how they look to use. some are just a fotostamp of the time they died from the energies that manifested from there death kinda puts a echo in time at that point that just lives over and over. it is a ghost it has no thoughts or educated mind. there is some that does and can interact with our lives. through meditation and metal execises you can teach yourself how to tap into them and learn from them alot of them are spririt guides,some calls them angels what ever they are they are intelagent and can mingle some are malipulative, and can have ill intent. But they are just living energies from another realm of life. Thats all life is is manifested energies. that our minds perseves as this what we see. No matter what we believe in Religion aspect or what it is there! it isnt anything to ignore live with it and mingle with it. Our ancestors have and lived by it for thousands of years. it shouldnt be hidden any more . the spirit world is real and can help us! Bright Blessings to Everyone )0(

  • Brother John Miller likes this
  • David Stech
    David Stech I will post my picks! you know much about mental work! tranceing putting people to sleep by looking at them! they cant stop me once i have them in my eyes sort of speak! they cant stop me! its not hpnosis i can do that also,dont know how i can do this jus...  more
    March 25, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • David Stech
    David Stech I cast Runes
    March 25, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • Michael Coons
    Michael Coons I follow the paranormal also and have seen ghost or apparitions myself to include an evil one. I think that it confirms that there is life after death and good and evil. I have personally spoken to individuals who were clinically dead and have had convers...  more
    March 25, 2013
  • David Stech
    David Stech I have Died From Alcohol Poisining when i was 16! and what came to me told me that the way that people believe isnt the way it should be show them teach them! was this Divine yes i believe so! I dont call it God cause i am not sure! Wass it a divine thin...  more
    March 25, 2013