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Rev. Ralph Coutard

Your life has meaning?


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    My life has meaning?

    "Why am I born? '' I have not asked to come to the world. What is the meaning of my life? "These issues, there is reason to ask them; life is that each has more precious and we have only one to live. A student who realizes that his book is badly required has the possibility to get a whole new and start again it. Our life, cannot be repeated.


    Among those who are these thoughts:


    -There are those who recognize that life is short and seek to draw all the possible fun. But happiness afforded by it's little sustainable. Everything has a purpose on Earth... and after?


    -There are those who live only for raising money. But after them, where will their fortune? Even if someone is rich, said Jesus, his life is not in possessions (Luke, c. 12, v. 15-21).


    -There is, alas, the desperate who disappointed in disappointment, come to to take away life, lack of him have found a sense.


    -There are fortunately those whose laudable goal is to serve their neighbor, to be good citizens, good to raise their families...


    But if for them life has no meaning, how en would they give to others?


    Vain search

    King Salomon, known for his great wisdom, wrote:


    What profit a man from all his work which he torments sunshine?... I applied my heart to seek and explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven... I have seen all the works that are done under the Sun; and behold, everything is vanity and continuation of the wind.


    I applied my heart to knowledge of /a wisdom and the knowledge of unreasonable things and madness. I experienced that too, it is the pursuit of the wind.


    I said in my heart: go! I test them you tested by joy: therefore enjoy well-being. And behold, This also is vanity.


    I've done great things: I built houses, I planted the vineyard... And whatever my eyes have desired, I to have point private them; and I have refused my heart no joy... And I turned all the works that my hands had made; and behold, all was vanity and continuation of the wind, and there was no profit under the Sun.


    I hated life, because the work that is done under the Sun was in charge, because all is vanity and continuation of the wind (Ecclesiastes ch. 1 and 2)


    Where do we come from? where are we going?

    Science explores the space and made prodigious discoveries. She brought the man on the moon but is unable to give any explanation about our origins and our destiny. Man is beautifully served by his intelligence, he has explored the matter, disintegrated the atom, achieved the cosmos, but, reduced to its own dimension, he does yet know most of what he should know. It ignores its real raison d'etre here and its eternal future.


    We know only too well how ends the existence on Earth. Someone wrote: "why life, since death will be? '' The death in front of which every man as intelligent as it is is totally destitute. And if it was! But there are following death; and the man left to itself, without the aid of a divine revelation, has no clue of what will happen after this great passage.


    God answers


    These questions which human remains unanswered, what happiness! God answers. The Bible tells us why we were created, why we are on Earth, why the death, and... What follows.


    God created man in his image, he placed him in the garden of Eden (garden of delights) where nothing was missing to his happiness. He lived for his creator. Alas, soon he disobeys God and resulted in his rebellion and death all his descendants. Fisherman, slave of Satan, as has become the man. Since then his life has more meaning.


    But God is love (1 John 4 v.8). He loves his creature despite its unworthiness; He wants his happiness. This required that sin which is separation between the Holy God and sinful man be expiated.


    Jesus appeared and offered himself, allowing God to fully forgive anyone who repents and believes.


    God finds his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5 v.6 and 8).


    What gives meaning to life


    The Christian knows now why and for whom he lives, he knows what awaits him after death; It is for him as the entry in the rest until the resurrection, to be always with his Lord in glory.


    Christ died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who for them died and was resurrected (2 Corinthians 5 v.15).


    Life worth not to be lived to serve and wait for one who has loved us so much and has done everything so that we have eternal life?