Water is the source of all life on Earth.
We should all do something about the terrible oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.
Whether we are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto or any other religion, or even an athiest, we should offer our complete intention to healing the water of the Earth, especially the gulf region.
As Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown in his extensive work with water, our human intentions have a profound effect upon water.
It is our duty as humans to try to focus our loving intentions to heal the water of the gulf region as well as all of the water of the Earth.
Water is becoming more and more scarce as the population grows, and many regions of the world are running out of clean drinking and bathing water.
No matter what your beliefs are, whether you believe in evolution or Creation, you surely believe that water is the source of all life, and as such it demands our respect and our love.
Please help me to spread the word to all people to send healing messages of love to water in the gulf and all the rest of the water of the world, I believe the water will respond and will become better because of our prayers and meditations and our sincere will to make it healthy again.
LOVE THE WATER! It will love you you back.
The wildlife and oceans are crying, suffering and suffocating. This is a disaster that the U.S. and... more