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Tony Villari

Did Christ Go to Hell?

  • I would have to say, as my first blush, I see no reason why Christ would not pay a visit, if for no other reason than to remind Satan about God's omnipotence and dominion.  The Bible skirts the issue, and for good reason in my humble opinion - Jesus never said He visited hell when he reappeared prior to leaving for the Kingdom of Heaven.  To me, this is a circumstance where we must all use a bit of our own faith.  To read the rest of this post, please follow this link to "The Path": Did Christ Go to Hell?



  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG I am looking at all the stars and I am amaze of the greatness of God. My issue with metaphors is that it humanize to much God and make im full of human weakness..... Hell or heaven is a human contraption to scare or motivate one into a belief of dependenc...  more
    April 8, 2015 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Adam Lindsay- DD
    Rev. Adam Lindsay- DD This is a very interesting topic. On one hand people say that when Jesus died for our sins, he descended into hell for the 3 days. Some say he didn't because he told the thief on the cross that this day you will spend with me in heaven. Was he saying he w...  more
    April 9, 2015 - 2 like this