Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Tolerance or Respect?

  • I think we all wish this was a perfect world, though we constantly prove, through our own ignorance and prejudices, it isn't.  People will not change overnight.  The best we can hope for, in this world of emotional, cultural, and political extremes, is to find some middle ground where we can exist in peace and understanding.  Where we can learn about each other's beliefs and cultures, debate and discuss, communicate and listen until we learn enough about each other to respect each other.  If we can be tolerant of each other long enough to develop respect for each other's peaceful culture, beliefs, and faith, perhaps we can find respect for each other, for who we are as people, and learn to love each other.  To read more of this post, please follow this link to the Congregation for Religious Tolerance blog, "The Path":  Tolerance or Respect?