Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Online Ministry "Friends" and "Followers"

  • When you run an online business, you do so hoping that your bottom line, your profits, grows exponentially.  It is, after all, a business.  Spirituality, religious belief, and faith, however, are not a business.  Televangelists have tried very hard to make it one without admitting to their flock the hidden agenda behind their ministries - profits.  I think televangelists, for the most part, prey on the weak minded among us, those without hope, and those looking for salvation in all the wrong places.  How sad for their congregation and for the ministers that they will face judgment for their greed, usury, and hypocrisy.

    To read the rest of this post, please follow this link to, “The Path:”  Online Ministry "Friends" and "Followers"