Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Beware of the Children

  • Beware of the children. Have you seen them? Their eyes seem as wide as saucers from ingesting mass quantities of various energy drinks. Their fingers have a nervous twitch developed from hours of online gaming and texting. When they congregate, which is rare, they do so in small groups, dressing somewhat similar, and for no real purpose. The only time they seem willing to get off their parents couch and leave their parent's house is to vote for the latest candidate that will promise them something for nothing, and then it's back to mommy's house for more video games and texting. They graduate from college yet can't find Russia on a map. They have a job but don't bother saving for the future. They live life in a world where participation gets a trophy and no one has to stress over being number one, except in the fantasy world of video gaming. Dress alike, act alike, and think alike, they wander our streets like the zombie movies they relish watching. We are allowing our country to slowly morph into a veritable Village of the Damned.

    To read the rest of this childishly paranoid post, please follow this link:  Beware of the Children