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Tony Villari

The Hair We Take for Granted

  • I think there is nothing quite as beautiful, nothing that can make a statement of perfection, as much as a woman who can carry herself with such refinement and class while sporting a well shorn head.  It is truly not the lack of hair which defines the woman, but rather the woman who defines the lack of hair.  She can look upon her bald self as  lacking some quality, like hair, or she can redefine her quality to include the very fact that she needs no hair to define how absolutely beautiful she is.  But, then, I've always been a neck person when it comes to the fairer gender; I love the hair short, or put up, so as to show off the neck and shoulders.  You can call me kinky, but I think it works.  Is it the hair we take for granted, or the lack of it?

    To read more of “My Sunday Thought” for this coming weekend, please follow this link to my blog, “The Path”:  The Hair We Take for Granted