Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Choices & Consequences

  • Humans say and do things without thinking through the consequences.  Our mouths are attached to vocal cords spring loaded in preparation for the next knee-jerk reaction to some ridiculous thought that traverses the wasteland of our mind.  Sometimes it takes us years to develop an understanding of the relationship between choices and consequences, and more years to master the art of thinking before we act, if we ever manage to.  Without good breeding we simply wander through life like so many trailer trash sires and bitches, wondering where we went wrong and shaking the empties looking for the dregs of warm beer as we wait for the next welfare check to hit the mailbox.  The last thing we do is worry about the meaning of life or what tomorrow brings.

    Wanna read more of this post?  Follow this link to my blog, “The Path.”  Choices & Consequences



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