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Tony Villari

Christian Apology to LGBTQ:  All Lives Matter!

  • That which is written is especially vulnerable to interpretation.  Considering how a heretical sect of Islam can twist the words of Muhammad from a message of peace into a message of "kill them all and let Allah sort them out," is it any wonder clergy in our own religion can do the same with Christian scripture?  Of course not, and we dutifully fall in line behind those "holier than thou" who would foist their particular brand of hatred, segregation, non-acceptance, and intolerance, onto the world.  How about this?  How about we not drink the fruit punch like those poor souls of Jonestown?  How about we think for ourselves, consider the love of Christ, and do better by our fellow beings?  Just saying.


    To read more of this mess, with apologies to the "LPO" beforehand, please follow the attached link:  Christian Apology to LGBTQ: All Lives Matter!