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Tony Villari

That Which We Don't Know or Haven't Read 

  • I wrote this post in August of 2013 and just realized, somehow, it reverted to draft and has been offline to my readers for about five years. I have reread it for content and to ensure I was in a proper state of mind, and I've checked for grammar and spelling, again to ensure my mental faculties were not under the influence of bourbon or other media in the pantheon of sensoria interruptus. I also rediscovered all quotes used in this post are from the Gospel of Mary unless otherwise noted. The Gospel of Mary is one of those little-referenced texts which religious scholars seem to give little credence, and for good reason; it depicts Peter as a misogynistic egotist.  That's right, the future leader of the Christian church, this "rock" upon which Crist would entrust the salvation of humanity, was probably a sexist pig.  Is there any wonder women were shunned from roles as clergy?  With all the controversy concerning scriptural contradictions, interpretations, missing or discarded gospels, and who actually authored the books in the New Testament, is there any wonder Christianity is at odds with itself?  


    With this in mind, please consider my humble offering by following the attached link:  That Which We Don't Know or Haven't Read



  • Gail Dobson likes this
  • Gail Dobson
    Gail Dobson The power is within each of us, agreed. That requires thinking, effort, evaluating for yourself; it's so much easier to be like sheep.  "Not one punctuation mark or word should be changed from the bible" heralded from pulpits by (usually) men who bas...  more
    November 16, 2018 - 1 likes this
  • Gail Dobson
    Gail Dobson "...even modern Christianity does not adhere to a single canon. If you look carefully, you might notice that a Catholic Bible is slightly different from a Protestant Bible." https://www.bibleodyssey.org/en/tools/bible-basics/what-are-noncanonical-writings...  more
    November 16, 2018 - 1 likes this