I'm going to share someone, in my own life, whose words of wisdom have guided me since I was a young airman. He is gone now, a tragic loss to mankind. I stumbled upon Leo on a television special, probably PBS, when I was in my early twenties. He was discussing love, and happiness, and relationships. I was laughing, and then crying, grabbing for the tissue box because I could stop the emotional rollercoaster, the truth I found in the words he spoke. If I could name one person in this world that has had the greatest effect on who I have become, other than my parents, it would certainly be Leo Buscaglia.
To read more of this post concerning change, love, and understanding, please follow the attached link: Morphing to a Better State of Being
I am 58 and deal often with message here you have written, Tony, to decide if I still have a change to make a go of a career- a better career than tha... more