Every morning, as I'm dragging my butt out of bed, I thank God for another glorious day in paradise and another chance to excel at whatever challenges God may see fit to throw my way. Will I succeed in those challenges? Hope for the best, and be prepared to embrace failure. Failure is how we learn to succeed. We learn from what happens. We tweak the process and try again. We prepare to teach others from our experiences. The reason I don't get too upset about my failures is that tomorrow is another chance to excel in life; another chance to make things right. What is passed is past, so why fret over it? The future is not written, so why be concerned about those things which haven't happened. The present, the now, this is where we are and all we need concern ourselves with. Today is when we review the lessons from yesterday, revel in our successes or plan to do better, or make necessary amends in preparation to move forward. Always be prepared to move forward, because tomorrow is another gift; another chance to excel in this glorious life. After 65 years I have found… life is that easy.
To read more of this humble offering, please follow the attached link: Life Is That Easy