Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Friends Along Our Path

  • For the second time, I have received requests to reprint this piece of poetry and, now, the post as well.  I edited the grammar a bit, as I always do.  Since it's the first publication, on 1 October 2015, this post still ranks as my most read, 803 of 828, as of this 1 October 2019 update, and I hadn't realized four years have gone by.  I've been noticing that time seems to slip by faster as I get older.  But, as I always say, time is nothing more than a human concept.  Therefore, as my mother lied to me when she turned 30, I too have decided to stop aging and let our concept of time do as it pleases.  But, as I approach 66, I bemoan the fact it took me 35 more years than her, to make this logical decision.


    To read more of this humble offering, which seems so popular, please follow the attached link to my blog, “The Path.”  People seem to find this piece of poetry meaningful, which is a good thing.  Please help me disseminate it further, in the hope it will have meaning for others: Friends Along Our Path