My most humble opinion: No one alive today is morally or legally responsible for slavery. The United States is a nation of immigrants. Many of the ancestors of those here today were not even in the country during the period of slavery (yes, there could be exceptions). What is the sense of asking their descendants to cough up tax dollars for something they played no part in? And reparation has already been paid, with the blood of soldiers at Gettysburg and Antietam, and the like. Equal opportunity and affirmative action have done their jobs, and quite often more. Reparations would not make amends to anyone living today. Victims and perpetrators are long dead. What would come next, suing decendants of murderers......several generations down the line? Even discussing reparations brings a sense of vicitimization of black people. And it definitely ignites more animosity and separation. Let's get over the past and look forward to a color-blind future.