Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Paul Cattin

God's Character building program

  • God uses so many ways to build character in His children and they come in many forms. The first way is the easiest of these, and it is in the form of blessings. As we prove we can handle the little and few blessings, He will add more and bigger. The blessings are asked for some times and at others he just gives them to us to build some character, this is to teach us the characteristic of responsibility and stewardship.  Next He sends us to the next exercise in the program and it is alittle more painful, it deals with ego, we have to learn humility.  We have to go to the Apostle Paul when he asked God to remove the thorn in his side. what did God tell him? God didn't say sure we'll make it easy for you, no He told Paul " My grace is sufficient for thee, for my power is perfected in weakness." meaning when we are humble He can work at his best. To do this we have to check ego at the door, and become humble, and as we are humble then we become meek, then we get the characteristic of HIS power working through us. Then other times He uses stresses in our lives to build character in us. You may say how is stress a character builder? Stress then draws us closer to the master, He knows that we are stressed,He doesn't need us to remind him of our stress, he needs us to count on his strength to get us through the situation guess what that is a characteristic  prayer life, we must have one when we are his kids just as we want our kids to talk to us, he wants us to talk to him. When we need him, he is there for us and that makes us want to be better fathers, because we see him as the father as we speak to him and he makes us closer to him. God builds one on top of the other out of his word. then he continues to build on to us as people.  So today lets ask Him to start the program in our life. and count the ways he changes us.  So lets go and grow, lets become a blessing to the rest of the world, show them the work God has done in us, the work He is doing in us that we are different, and why and what exactly we have that makes us different, make them thurst for the Salvation we have, and then What He will do in us and through us .  Lets show them the light that God has placedin us and show the hazards ahead. that will be my next blog  is being the light.