Why? Ever ask yourself that question? A simple one word fragment, which holds so much elusiveness. Is there a real answer to the question, no matter the context? How often do you get a truthful answer, or one that isn't exaggerated or biased to someone's personal needs?
Indigo Adults spend most of their youth and adolescence asking this very question. Why? These are the years where boundaries are pushed and deep questions with no answers often become the root of spiritual instabilities in adulthood. Philosophy becomes a large part of an Indigo's time spent. While pondering the many mysteries of the universe, or simple human behavior, they must learn to cope with being able to function in a society where these anomalies are answered away with myths, religion or cultural reasoning. Most Indigoes will not go for that. They will continue to press issues that are meaningful to them, as they often are highly controversial, but often philanthropic.
Identity is a very important virtue to an Indigo. Most Indigoes have a difficult time settling on a conclusive or exact definition of their own persona and how their presence in the universe is recognized. Humbled by empathy. Indigoes are quite self conscious of the way they are perceived, and often try to outreach to other Indigoes for compatible partnerships. And eventually, Indigo souls who meet often part, because their desire to keep searching always produces more knowledge of paths in which to cross.
Think back to when you were young... did you know someone who was unique for no obvious reason? Maybe this person acted outside the box, handled situations differently, or reacted strange, inappropriately or over-the-top to something which to you seemed minor or meaningless. Maybe it was the way they spoke, communicated or maybe they didn't communicate at all. Ever stop to wonder WHY?