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Troy Cleveland

Persoanl and Abundance Affirmation

  • ** The truth keeps me poised and confident and the truth is this: GOD is in charge of my life and all is well.
    ** I am safe.
    ** I always remember who I am....God's child
    * I have released my ENTIRE past to God. It is complete and I am free.
    * I am at peace with the Universe and myself.
    * I am guided throughout this day in making right choices. Divine Intelligence continuously guides me in the realization of my goals.
    * I am open & receptive to ALL my good, now. (see bottom of page about this one)
    * My life is navigated by God and improves every second of every day.
    * I trust the process of life. All I need or want is always taken care of. I am safe.
    * My true self, Radiant, Powerful, Successful, and Intelligent, is now shining through so that ALL the world, myself included, can see me shine!
    * The past is over and I release it easily.
    * I now dissolve ALL negative and/or limited beliefs. They have NO power over me.
    * I am free from my hurts, pains, guilts, fears and any misconceptions of the past.
    * I deeply and completely accept myself just as I am.
    * I like me!
    * With the help of God and the angels I now release any and all seeming blocks that hold me back from my own good.
    * I now choose thoughts that make me feel good.
    * I am surrounded with loving supportive people in my life.
    * I release all judgement from my life, easily.
    * I am free to be me.
    * I know it is safe for me to take care of myself.
    * My body is my ideal weight.
    * My mind's thoughts control my body's health; so I think healthy thoughts.
    - I love my body and my body loves me.
    - I am vitally alive.
    - I am filled with the life force.
    - I have boundless energy.
    - I am motivated.
    - | am enthusiastic.
    - I am joyful.
    - I am a divine being, radiating love to all that I meet.
    - I have released my ENTIRE past to God. It is complete and I am free.
    - I now dissolve ALL negative and limited beliefs. They have NO power over me.
    ** I give thanks for a quick substantial increase in my financial income, now.
    ** I have a large, steady, dependable, permanent financial income, now.
    ** I trust in thee, Oh God, and thy righteous law. I know my own comes to me and I rest in confidence and peace.
    ** Money quickly flows to me whether I work, sleep or play. I always have far more than ample coming my way.
    ** God strengthens my heart because I'm of good courage to trust HIM to provide.
    ** All that I desire I easily achieve it because I believe I can and I deserve it!! Thank you wonderful, God! And so it is.
    * Everything I ever dreamed of instantly takes shape & manifests immediately!
    * With God's blessings, I receive a minimum daily income of (here put a dollar amount) or more.
    * My work is deeply fulfilling.
    * My work allows me to express my creativity, freely.
    * I earn a good income doing things I love.
    * I am always happy at work.
    * My career is filled with love, joy, laughter, accomplishments and abundance.
    * I always have more than enough money to meet my needs.
    - I give thanks, now, for all that I have; the seen and the unseen that are already mine.
    - The walls of lack and delay now crumble away, and I walk into my promised land under grace.
    - All that the universe has is mine, and I and the universe are one.
    - I can do anything I believe that I can do. I've got it and every day I get more of it. I have talent, skills, and ability.
    - I am on top of the world and I am going for it. I have a clear picture in my mind of what I want. I can see it in front of me, I know what I want and I know how to get it.
    - I know that it's all up to me and I know I can do it.
    - Money, money, money come to me.

    A prayer for financial peace:
    Dearest God,
    I know that You are the source of all my good and that You provide for me in all ways. Please help me release the fears that block me from receiving Your gifts. Please help me feel the emotions of peace, gratitude, and financial security and to know that I am Your child upon whom You bestow great blessings. I now stay open to Divine guidance, which perfectly leads me to situations, people, and opportunities that are part of Your plan for my financial peace. I now see and feel myself and everyone else as completely financially secure, and my heart overflows with gratitude and joy at the abundant universe that You created. Thank You, and amen.
    Author - Doreen Virtue, PhD.
1 comment
  • Charles Lee, Jr
    Charles Lee, Jr A prayer for financial peace:
    Dearest God,
    I know that You are the source of all my good and that You provide for me in all ways. Please help me release the fears that block me from receiving Your gifts. Please help me feel the emotions of peace, gr...  more
    January 16, 2010