Our Creator and I have been having long talks over the past months of my absence here. HE has surrounded me with HIS love and held on tight while I have cried and felt so lost and alone. The holidays were VERY hard on me. This last year has been one of the worse years of my life. Creator has been my only life line. That of course is as it should be. He has sent me friends that also have shown and shared their love with me.
I made a covenment with the Creator many years ago and I'm still honoring that. The 13 and a half years ago I and my husband made another one to HIM to watch over and protect our new land that he showed us was sacred land. I'm still honoring that one too. Altho alone, I will continue to keep my promise to Creator. Assension is close and I know that I want to be part of Creators 51%. Others have chosen to be a part of Lucifers 98% and thats OK. I still love them unconditionally anyway. It saddens me that they won't be with me in the next 4th positive demision. But they have their own lessons to learn and own demons to face. May Creator bless them and watch over them.
I'm doing another wedding the end of March and that is exciting as the couple are also in the 51%.
Hopefully I'll be able to be a more frequent member of this site. I love you all.
Thank you again for your love and acceptance.
Reverand Elizabeth (aka: Nape' Waste' Win Walks In Balance")
It's wonderful to see like minded to be among us.
Peace and Love