Let's see...where to begin. I recently found out why I have felt uncomfortable my entire life. I am transgendered. In other words, my gender identity is different from my assigned gender role; I was born male but feel that I am female. I wish to begin transitioning to my true gender but events are keeping me from it. My wife knew from the start that I'm transgendered but when I told her that I wanted to transition from male to female she told me that she would still love but would leave on account of losing her family's respect. After I told my mother in law that I'm transgendered, she told me that I just need therapy "to fix what's wrong with me." My father in law doesn't know; he hates anyone who is gay, bi, or trans. What's left of my family hasn't been told yet because they abandoned me years ago. Is my mother in law right? Is there something wrong with me that can be fixed? If I transitioned, would my wife be in the right for leaving me? Or should I just do that which makes me happy? I would appreciate advice on this.