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Charles Lee, Jr

Is Life Fair?

  • As much as we like to think we know "what is" and "what isn't" right and fair in life and about life, the surprising ways and shocking events of life still happen and sometimes on a level that just rocks us to the core of our being:

    A baby is the sole survivor of an automobile accident and some judge it to be "a miracle"; An elderly woman lifts a school bus to free a group of teenagers and some might say, "she had angelic advocates"; But, one man orchestrates a scheme that causes global terror and suddenly, the world is an evil and dangerous place to live.

    The very question of, "is life fair?", is an invitation to assess the time and times of this thing we call life, and render a judgment as to whether life kicks us, or kisses us.  If I'm in a pretty good position on the road to success, I'll most likely give an answer that is more affirmative to the fairness of life.  I wouldn't be inclined to say "no, life is not fair", because it might imply that it's not fair that I have the success I've worked so hard to achieve.  Conversely, if I'm in a state of poverty or sickness, my feeling may be that life has dealt me a raw deal, even if expressing that feeling never happens.

    Either view of life would be as subjective and as valid as the other but, neither would necessarily be accurate if life has meaning or pupose. People are quick to say "we shouldn't judge others" but we live in a mechanistic judicial system that governs our behaviors and the daily events in our life, which necessarily provokes our knee-jerk propensity to make assessments of the people, places and things in our local and global environments.  As a species, we're born scrutinizers right from the first day of life; peering as deeply as possible into the eyes of whomever holds us in their arms. We especially scrutinize our fellow humans. Naturally and instinctively using our best-informed judgment as a means of determining if they would make a good friend, a good spouse, a good employee, a good citizen, even a good leader and overall, our judgment has been wrong more than right in many areas.  I think it's interesting though, how right we can be when we're trying to warn others of something that's not quite right about a neighbor, a new friend, or a co-worker.

    It's as if our instincts are sharper when we look out for others, but they're lacking when we seeking that same insight for ourselves.  No doubt a fail-safe design of life, to keep us in tuned to the needs of others more than our own.  And perhaps that is the view of life that we lack most.  That singular perspective that pours down from the near infinite number of voices among the enumerable stars and planets of our known universe.

    We are truly and actually from those stars and planets, just as much as we're looking in the cosmic past, when we look into the night sky.  Life is not here and now any more than it was there, and then.  Life is everywhere and all because life is an eternal existence, which we can only capture an awareness of, temporarily.  We are the near infinite expressions of life, in forms and experiences that are intended to expand life's self-awareness and re-join life to wholeness and unity.

    Not by individual wealth, legislated commands or moral defintions of truth and fairness, but by the hearts desire to know itself as loving and loved; and by the mind seeing a reflection of itself in others.  Poverty, sickness, disease are not tragedies of life but they are catalysts and sign posts of life, prompting those who are ready to take the croosroad from material and physical existence into the wholeness and completeness of themselves, as life.

    Humanity's Spiritual Journey of re-unification is about us as creatures uncovering and finding our creator, in the heart of who we are.  Every thought behind every emotion is tethered to that singular inspiration and there's no other direction we can ever go except back to who we are as one.

    Which renders the consciousness of life its own soveriegnty, above all desires, and totally fair but extremely complicated. Leaving us to our chosen effect on others, as life has it's higher effect on the whole of Universal Consciousness...


    Well Journeys (Fare Ye Well)

