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Penny Ragan

Contemplating On Inner Truth given by our Creator


    It seems everyday I learn new things from this world the universe whatever. Things come to me answers come to me and later somehow someway proven. That’s how I know that the answers that came to me came from something or someone greater than me; rather you want to call it my Higher Self or the Universe or God, whatever.
    I am coming to learn in my old age of 47 how to trust this inner esoteric knowledge & wisdom.
    I am learning how to tell the difference between that inner wisdom that comes from universal wisdom and the egotistic inner ramblings of my human self.
    At one time when I would get that psychic pull or silent voice I didn’t trust it even though it would always prove itself right and I would regret not following its guidance.
    Finally I am learning, I am not saying I have got it all down yet however each and everyday I seem to be “Getting It” more and more.
    I am learning how to relax and trust and follow the guidance of the true self, of the universe, of God, etc. I believe those who have shown extraordinary talents or extraordinary wisdom or who have performed miraculous miracles have learned how to completely give into and trust this powerful source.
    It’s funny when you think about it how this Ultimate Form Of Energy Known as God has proven itself time and time again yet we still have difficulty trusting it. We still lean towards trusting in the world or what we see our own ego’s etc that has often let us down.
    Often we have to battle through the “muck” that has settle do deeply within ourselves to find the deeper truth within. Sometimes it’s a matter of being still and listing to the silent soft voice within that feels right,  Other times one discovers that the voice has been shouting loudly and you’ve been to busy to listen to it.
    All in All there is a pleasant peacefulness within when you find Truth, Genuine Love, you feel the Connection with All of Creation and the Creator.  It’s hard to describe what I mean I know many of you know exactly what I am talking about.
    Sincerely Reverend Penny.
  • Valerie White
    Valerie White beautiful! - many blessings - hope all is well in your world and moving forward in 2010 - In joy, Valerie
    January 12, 2010
  • Timothy Hayes
    Timothy Hayes Nicely said. It is nice to find a forum where others are finding the same process to be helpful. I invite you to visit my blog and know that I will continue to visit yours. Thanks for sharing. Dr. Tim
    January 12, 2010
  • Troy Cleveland
    Troy Cleveland Namaste,

    Yes truly understand the Leaning or guidance of our Conciousness - the universal Spirit within us all. It's blessing to know we are never alone for the Spirit of God is always here as friend, mentor, healer and gentle guide not matter wh...  more
    January 11, 2010
  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose Dear Penny, I know exactly what you mean. There are moments of intuition that come with a "gut" feeling that you know are true. Please see my group "quantum physics and spirituality".
    We would like you company. Maybe you would like what you see there....  more
    January 10, 2010