Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joseph Wolfe

Morning Sun

  • My heart has found a home,

    the home is with her,

    my angel,

    my queen,

    my everything!



    She saved me from the darkness

    she is the bringer of light,

    she is what makes wrong things right!



    I would die for her,

    I would lie for her,

    I would do anything

    if it meant saving her!



    She gives meaning to the word love,

    as soft as fur

    as graceful as a white dove,

    she is a gift from the stars above!



    I hold on to her tight,

    refuse to let go,

    this much I can say,

    my happiness with her

    sure does show!



    I remember the first day I saw her,

    I knew right away that she was the one,

    for her face was so beautiful and bright,

    as bright as the morning sun!